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For this year's review; I'm looking at the man in the mirror

Mike Donoghue

I don't normally name the people in my blogs, suffice that they can typically identify themselves by the event or characteristics of the behaviours described. With that said I would like to recognize one leader whose guidance and nuggets have stayed with me, and I have referenced those nuggets throughout this last year. So please step forward and take a bow, Mr. Greg Grabowski. So many pieces of advice were offered and received gratefully, one such nugget being that if your team isn't delivering exactly what you need, then the problem is you. You either haven't checked that the objective or the request was:

  • clear, reasonable and achievable,

  • the team or individual had the capability and capacity to deliver,

  • the incentive to deliver was understood and agreed on.

Why do I bring this up? Well after two-plus years of focusing on managing through a pandemic and delivering exceptional service to our clients, this year has seen the beginnings of a bounce back and some growth. This has resulted in some required realignments as to what needs to be done and an emerging question, do we have the team who can deliver the required future objectives? On my journey through last year I picked up this additional nugget that adds to Greg Grabowski's piece of wisdom its called the GWC (Get's It, Want's It, Capacity to Deliver) test and goes like this;

  • Do they get it? Is your team member clear on what their role entails and how it fits within the company operating plan? Ask them to share their thoughts, and then share yours. Ideally, the two of you should be on the same page.

  • Do they want it? Is your team member still happy in their role? Do they want to continue doing it? Maybe they’re beginning to burn out, or perhaps they’re excelling as a receptionist but would love to be a consultant. This is a vital discussion to have. Simply asking, “Are you happy and satisfied?” is a great way to kick off the conversion.

  • Do they have the capacity to do it? Does the team member have the skills, tools, and time necessary to do their job effectively? You’ll never know if they’re lost or lacking skills, if you don’t ask!

So for this year's reflection I need to look in the mirror and put myself through the GWC Test, so here goes;

Do I get It? Am I clear on what my role is in the company and am I focusing on the priorities? Looking after our clients and delivering on our commitments to them has prompted me to look at how we engage with our clients and I have added a set of objectives to my to-do list around client engagement and satisfaction.

After reading the E-Myth by Michael Gerber last year. I recognized that as a company we delivered outstanding client engagements. We built systems and tools that improved our engagements with clients and improved our internal systems that will allow Helios to scale as our vision is achieved. Although I delivered on being "a Technician" e.g. delivering a service or product to a client or customer, and being "a Manager" e.g. ensuring that the system and processes were executed correctly. I sometimes feel that the "Entrepreneur" ( the visionary that "prods the future" of the company, seeks out opportunities and asks "what-if" or "if-when" has gone quiet, and so I need to take some time and work out how to re-establish the entrepreneur. Is there any other aspect that I don't get? I am sure that there is however I will leave that conversation to share with my business partners 🤔.

Do I want it? More than ever! The pleasure when we have the opportunity to solve a client's issue through our consulting process is as great now as the first day we "opened our doors". The challenge for me next year will be to find new people with a matching passion to join our teams and then loosen the reins and let them grow into the future of Helios, bringing energy to both our clients and our backroom teams.

Do I have the capacity to do it? First I would like to share a quote that has stuck with me for over 30 years by Rev. Henry ward Beecher, “It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is the rust upon the blade." After managing through the pandemic I can honestly say bring me all the work you want, and I will find the space and time. As the workload at Helios has picked up in the second half of this year the blade has been wiped clean of rust and is starting to shine. Regarding skills to do the job, I can say I am blessed to have a Senior Partner in Kait Dinunzio along with her marketing team we have increased our presence on social media and with the skills her team has brought, an area of running the company where I can openly admit to not being strong is covered by them. An opportunity that was presented during the pandemic was the time allowed to develop the tools and systems that will allow the company to scale without requiring more of my time or additional back-office support. We developed in-house digital tools that allowed better tracking of time and expense and client administration, whilst also reducing costs.

I also need to reflect on how I managed the teams as we came out of

the pandemic and I recognize that I need to grow leadership within the teams so that as we scale we have the required leaders to deliver on client needs and anticipate changes in the business environment better.

I guess that would be my reflection on 2022 and what I need to drive into next year

Finally, I would also like to send my thanks and best wishes to our clients who have trusted Helios Consulting to guide them through their challenges this year and look forward to our continued successes together. I also want to thank the returning clients who have managed to navigate the tribulations of a global pandemic and myopic governments chasing popularity over reasoned strategic planning, and to our new friends and clients, we thank you for the faith you are choosing to show and look forward to sharing a safe, healthy and prosperous 2023 with you all.


 Helios Consulting Ltd. has consultants and operations in both Calgary, Alberta and Whitehorse, Yukon. Therefore, in the spirit of respect and truth, Helios Consulting honours and acknowledges Moh’kinsstis, the traditional and ancestral Treaty 7, Treaty 6 Territory, and oral practices of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations. We also acknowledge that this territory is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3 within the historical Northwest Métis homeland. Additionally, we honour and recognize the Tagish Kwan as the original people who live and occupy the lands that define Yukon Traditional Territory, alongside the headwaters of Chu Níikwän (today, the Yukon River) and Kwanlin Dün including the people of Southern Tutchone, Tagish, and Tlingit descent. Alongside these specific acknowledgements, we recognize all Nations and Councils who live, work and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate these territories.

©2023 Helios Consulting

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